UNHCR Cash support to conflict affected persons: Meet Fula

There is a line between in-kind humanitarian assistance and cash assistance. In-kind humanitarian assistance refers to the delivery of tangible goods, like food, shelter materials and water, to people in need. Cash assistance, much like the cash that we use in our everyday lives, allows people to do with it what they like and meet what needs they see fit”.

51 year old Fula Epamba  Mboh, is a peasant farmer who is based in the Liongo community. He is the bread winner of his family Who also takes care of his grandchildren. Before the cash support, Fula owned a piece of land where he grew maize and other food crops mainly for family consumption. According to him the cash suport came at a time when he needed financial assistance, he immediately rented a piece of land and started a tomato farm which yeilded him an enormous profit that helped to sustain his family. With the earned profit from the tomatoes business, he has extended his investment to maize farming in hope of a fruiful harvest season. He extends his heartfelt appreciation to the UNHCR and TeeneAlive.

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