Make an Impact for the Young ones

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Dr. Doreen Binain Mbain

Founder/Former Executive Director

Dr. Doreen Binain Mbain is a Civil Society Activist , the Executive Director and Founder of TeenAlive Association. She is also a Pan-Africanist, a historian and an academic expert in Peace, Conflict Studies and International Relations. She is a holder of a Ph.D in History.

She is a trained Gender-Based Violence Activist, with so much interest in the wellbeing of children and teenage mother. She is so particular in the fight against Gender-Based Violence, with focus on the economic empowerment of women (mostly teenage/single mothers), child protection services psychosocial Support affecting women, educational support to children particularly those in the crisis affected Regions of Cameroon amongst others. She heads an organization which is at the forefront of preventing sexual exploitation and abuse, as well as preventing Teenage pregnancies through her sex education programme.

Management Team

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Henrietta A.

Executive Director/MHPSS officer/project coordinator


Dr. Doreen B.

Founder/Former Executive Director


Ngonga L.

GBV expert/ Focal Point Bamenda


Chiaboh L.

Coordinator TeenAlive Vocational Center

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The celebration of the International Day of the Girl Child

The celebration of the International Day of the Girl Child

The celebration of the International Day of the Girl Child is an…

TeenAlive could not have celebrated Christmas and New Year without reaching out to those in need

TeenAlive could not have celebrated Christmas and New Year without reaching out to those in need

TeenAlive could not have celebrated Christmas and New Year without reaching out…

Making Menstruation a normal fact of life by 2030

Making Menstruation a normal fact of life by 2030

In commemoration of the Menstrual Hygiene Week celebration, our first community outing…