TeenAlive: International Midwifery Day Celebration at RHIMBS

The International Day of the Midwife is annually celebrated on May 5. This is a chance for midwives to celebrate their profession and for all of us to recognise their work and contribution to maternal and newborn health.

TeenAlive joined the Midwives at RHIMBS to commemorate this occasion under the theme: “Sustainable Midwifery#Caring for Tomorrows Child”. During this occasion TeenAlive sensitized the midwives on Gender Based Violence, reminding these nurses on the first hand role they play in handling survivors. In cases were the survivor is a victim of Rape and gets pregnant in the process, the midwife has as primary responsibility in preventing any form of verbal and Emotional violence towards survivor.

Moreover, midwives must be meticulous in documenting the chain of evidence and ensuring the quality of evidence samples that could identify perpetrators. TeenAlive has as mission to promote and uphold the rights of children while ensuring the prevention and response to teenage pregnancies.