TeenAlive: Individual Code of Conduct, For the Prevention of Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Secondary Education and Vocational Training Sector

Preventing violence in Schools requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses underlying causes of aggression, promotes positive behavior and supports mental health and well being. In order to prioritize School safety and invest in comprehensive prevention strategy, the individual code of conduct drafted by Code of Conduct for Secondary Education and Skills Development Project(PADESCE), covers a wide range of Conducts applied to Teachers, Trainers and Head of schools. Some of the clauses found in the document include :
◦ The principle and Standards of expected behavior within the educational Community.
◦ Conduct for Heads of Schools and Vocational Training Centers.y
◦ Conduct of Teachers/ Trainers towards his colleagues.
◦ Conduct of Teachers and Trainers.

This code of Conduct falls in line with the training of teachers on the Prevention of violence in Schools and Mental Health and Psycho-Social support (MHPSS), which took place on the 21st and 22nd of February in Buea (Southwest) and 13th of March 2024 in Bamenda (Northwest), bringing together a total of 140 trained teachers from the these two regions of Cameroon.
The TeenAlive team has as goal to reach out to a wider community of teachers as a mitigation strategy towards the Prevention of Violence. The above attached code of conduct has a personal commitment form for Every individual and applies to Stakeholders in the Educational Community and institutions welcoming learners (Vocational Centers) to pledge and undertake an obligation toward the prevention of violence.