Awareness Raising and sensitization against GBV and the Importance on the Production of Civil documents
GBV Awareness / The importance of Civil Document’s (Birth Certificate and ID cards) Sensitization in Muyuka

TeenAlive on the 6th of April Carried out a Gender Based Violence (GBV) Sensitization and Birth certificate sensitization in the Muyuka community, through a football friendly between the Adolescent girls and boys. The team was able to bring together over 110 Adolescent boys and girls.

The Primary goal of this Activity was to advocate for gender equality. The key message gleaned from this GBV activity was that , if a boy can play football, a girl too should be allowed to play. If a boy can take part in commercial activities such as bike riding which is commonly practiced in Muyuka, a girl doing it should not be a taboo.

The Children were schooled on the fact that both men and women can engage in culinary activities, which doesn’t necessarily reduce the respect a man commands in the home and that men and women have the ability to do whatever they could if they desire to do it.