Second Session of the Art project in Missellele: The Cleansing and Meditation Exercise

Second Session of the Art project in Missellele: The Cleansing and Meditation Exercise

The Art project geared towards  building  talent and confidence in conflict affected adolescents girls through creative arts and life skills in collaboration with Penboy kicked off with a dance excercise to get the girls engaged and feel more comfortable. The teenagers were given an assignment the previous day to brainstorm on “ the challenges they…

TeenAlive Commerates the 62nd Edition of the African women’s day in Missellele

TeenAlive Commerates the 62nd Edition of the African women’s day in Missellele

TeenAlive on the 31st of August joined the global community to celebrate the 62nd edition of the African women’s with the women and girls of Missellele, under the theme: Women at the heart of reinforced training, technology and innovation, for inclusive and sustainable education in Africa”. African Women’s Day (AWD) was established on the 31st…

Three Months Art Project with Conflict Affected Adolescent Girls

Three Months Art Project with Conflict Affected Adolescent Girls

TeenAlive is happy to announce the debut of a three months project titled:Developing Resilience: Building Talent and Confidence in Conflict Affected Adolescent Girls through Creative Art and Lifeskills. This is in partnership with PenBoy for the months of; August, September and October. Working with Children over the past Eleven months on the project: Protecting Conflict…